Legend of Legaia -> Locations -> Towns and Locations -> Biron Monastery -> Biron Monastery Items

Biron Monastery Items

Image Description
A power elixir If you click on the statue of Biron, you will find a Power Elixir hidden within it.
A phoenix in a vase Go into the dining room (room between women's room and the bedroom to sleep in) and click on the vase in the very north part of the room to get the Phoenix.
Medicine in a chest There's a hidden chest to the south of the Phoenix vase (the previous item in this table). Open it for an ever useful Medicine.
A Healing bloom in a vase In Master Zopu's room, click on the jar to the east.
A Guardian Water in a vase The only chance you can get this item is when the Mist is engulfing Biron Monastery. Check the vase to the east of the room and you'll find it!
Ten healing leaves from Maya Right after you return to Biron Monastery from reviving the Genesis Tree, go to the kitchen and talk to Maya.

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