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Legend of Legaia -> Locations -> Towns and Locations -> Conkram (Past)

Conkram (Past)

Conkram Past

Population Buildings Genesis Trees Originally covered in The Mist? Item Count (View child page for items list)
40-55 9 0 No 7

When the heroes travel to Conkram (Past), it is right before the Mist first arrives. In fact, Conkram suffers due to the Mist in the past, but the heroes defeat it and receive the Nemesis Gem from the King as a reward for the brave deeds. Unfortunately, this does not defeat the Mist permanently, since Prince Cort decides to bring it back in order to take over the world.

After defeating the Rogue, Conkram installs a large pedestal in the middle of the grand hall (or maybe Cort did it?) with a clam shell figure on it. Unfortunately, that clam shell is a Sim-Seru and it opens up after the heroes return to the future. The Mist coming back has caused the Sim-Seru to grow exponentially (as the Ra-Seru believe).

You will get to meet many of the people (bosses) in the past in their human forms. If you speak to them, they seem to side with Cort more often than not, and even Dohati says that he wants to get a hold of the machine that "creates giant Seru" (which he does). So, even though they are all taken over by Sim-Seru (as it's believed), they still had the will to do it themselves and it's probable that the Sim-Seru don't possess them, but only strengthen them as a regular Seru would.


When the Mist appears in Conkram, the heroes try to find the source of the Mist. When doing so, they find the <Rogue's Tower>, which holds the Rogue Ra-Seru that turns against Tieg (remember the information you got from the Uru Mais?).

It is after they defeat the Rogue that the Mist disappears from Conkram and the heroes are rewarded for the deed.

While talking to some people, you'll notice a typo or misconception of one of the townsfolk (a lady in the bar). Here is what she says:

Zeto is Secretary of State. Dohati, Secretary of Interior. Zora, the High Priestess. And Jette is the Court Scientist. Together they're called the Four Wise Men of Conkram. <-- Do you see the obvious error?

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