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Hello everyone!

Post by Metopholus » Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:21 pm

My name's Marc. First played Legend of Legaia on a PS magazine demo disk back in 1999.(thought it was funny how Now and Gala were aware they were in a demo) I was booked every since then. Recently bought a house emulator on my phone just to play it again.

Anyway I'm happy to be a part of this community and look forward in talking to you guys!

-- Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:22 pm --

Dang it! I meant Noa back there.

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Re: Hello everyone!

Post by IronJustice » Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:14 am

Welcome to the forum! We always love to see new people and we hope you enjoy your time here.

Yeah I remember the demo disk. If I remember correctly, it was just the Rim Elm scene right? How far could you go exactly? Did you actually play the real game back then as well?
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Re: Hello everyone!

Post by K73SK » Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:12 pm

Welcome! If you make a mistake on your post, there's an edit button to fix your mistake :)

Hope you stick around and enjoy!
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Re: Hello everyone!

Post by Metopholus » Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:30 pm

IronJustice wrote:Welcome to the forum! We always love to see new people and we hope you enjoy your time here.

Yeah I remember the demo disk. If I remember correctly, it was just the Rim Elm scene right? How far could you go exactly? Did you actually play the real game back then as well?

Yeah it was just Rim Elm up to the Genesis Tree revival. I think your level capped at around 11/12. Though there was a water Seru Freed which you could absorb. I don't think that type shows up in the actual game until the Fire Path aftermath.

It was a few months after it's release when I got my hands on a copy. I still own it to this day. Sadly both it and my PS1 are in storage currently. So I got an emulator on my phone so I could return to it.

What was your first experience with Legaia?

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Re: Hello everyone!

Post by IronJustice » Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:28 am

Yeah, many of us here have used emulators as well. Its all good.

I first played it at a friend's house. They had many RPGs and introduced me to Final Fantasy as well, among others. We played it for quite some time and I remember how fascinating it was. Eventually I got it for myself, and even introduced a few other people to the game (at least one of which got it themselves). I played it quite extensively back then. The hidden Lapis boss, I stumbled upon by complete accident. I read about it online after it wiped my party out and was quite surprised that I never had heard of it before.

I still have a copy of it too and have played it with my wife a little.
Legend of Legaia, a pinnacle of human achievement, will always have a place in my heart

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