Is there a gameshark code to remove the HUD?

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Is there a gameshark code to remove the HUD?

Post by LegaiaWiki » Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:33 am

For the muscle dome, Tetsu, and Bees fight, there's no HUD that appears after the battle is over. I was wondering if there's a way to remove all the HUD info, like character name in the upper corner and stat bars, maybe even the damage total that pops up after every hit. I saw online somewhere that someone removed the HUD for DBZ Budokai 3 and it made battle footage look a lot better. Is there a way to remove it during battle for LOL? Was thinking of making a few videos and it would look way better without the HUD showing up on screen.

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Re: Is there a gameshark code to remove the HUD?

Post by meth962 » Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:09 pm

There may be a way since, like you said, some of the hud is removed from the training battle. However it is possible the game just checks the mapID and enemyID. If that was the case, gameshark would not work since you would actually confuse the game by making it draw the rim elm background and change any enemy to tetsu. That would likely have disastrous effects so hopefully it does use a flag or something instead.

The damage numbers I do not think would be possible. Nothing in the game does that which can mean there's no actual flag or code to even alter that. Removing the damage numbers would instead take assembly code changes to the ROM of the game.

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